Friday, July 31, 2009

Promotion test result/審査結果

We had an AEUSKF promotion test at our dojo last Sunday.  Andy, Nick passed their 1-dan, and Ziad got 2-kyu. Congratulations!  Although they didn't pass, Raymond and Matsui-san did so well for their 3-dan test.  I thought they passed. Well, continue your hard work and next time, you will get a nice result! So sorry to hear that Matsu-san hurt her feet.  We hope she gets well soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


メンバーの松井さんに助けてもらって、念願の秀風会のブログをやっとオープンしました。秀風会のウェブサイトでは載せきれない情報を載せていきますので、これからもよろしくお願いします。秀風会会長 荻村寿浩

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We opened shufukai's blog!!!

With Matsui-san's help, we opened our blog today.
We will update our news and pictures in this site. Please check this out.