Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Special Keiko with Futagoishi-sensei /二子石先生との特別稽古

The special practice with Futagoishi-sensei will be held at the Shufukai dojo on February 16, 2012. This is a part of All US Kendo Federation’s Educational Tour 2012. Futagoishi-sensei is Hanshi 8-dan and the 2006 All Japan 8-dan Kendo Tournament Champion. He is visiting NY, D.C., Atlanta, Boston and Detroit during this tour. Please join us for this special once in life opportunity. The practice will be held at Shufukai dojo from 6 15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. This is open for only AUSKF and AEUSKF members.

来る2月16日に二子石先生をお迎えしての特別稽古会が行われます。この稽古会は、全米剣道連盟主催の教育ツアーと一部として行われます。二子石先生は範士8段、2006年の全日本8段剣道大会の優勝者でもあります。今回二子石先生はニューヨーク、ワシントンD.C., アトランタ、ボストン、そしてデトロイトを回って下さいます。この一生に一度の特別な機会を逃すことなく、ぜひご参加ください。稽古は秀風会道場に置いて、午後6時15分より7時45分に行われます。なお、この稽古会は全米剣道連盟、並びに全東部米国剣道連盟のメンバーに向けてのものです。

The MA state joint practice/マサチューセッツ州合同稽古

The MA state’s joint practice was held on January 15, 2012 as a MA keiko-hajime (First practice in 2012.)

Members from Shufukai, Boston Kendo Kyokai, Seizankai, Doshikai and Shodokan participated in this event. We did kihon (basics), shiai practices, and ji-keiko from 2 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. All of 40 participants enjoyed the practice and had a great time. We also had a New Years’ party at the Rick’s café after the practice.
