Thursday, November 11, 2010

The 11th Goyokai Kendo Tournament-第11回五葉会剣道大会

The 11th Goyokai Kendo Tournament results.

Jr. Division (少年の部)
1. D. Hadizadeh(Il Kum Kwan)
2. T. Tsuruta (Shufukai)
3. Miyuki Katakura (Shufukai)
3. D. Kim (Il Kum Kwan)

Women's Kyu (女子、級の部)
1. V. Peloso(Boston Kendo Kyokai)
2. C. Hsiao(Shidogakuin)
3. N. Peake (Doshikai)
3. S. Kuri-Marsch (Boston Kendo Kyokai)

Men's Kyu (男子、級の部)
1. B. Joo (Cambridge Kendo Club)
2. M. Zoda (Shodokan)
3. K. Kawakami (Boston University)
3. A. Zhang (Shidogakuin)

Women's Dan (女子、段の部)
1. M. Kang (Ken Zen Dojo)
2. J. Ariyama (Montreal Kendo Club)
3. A. Furukawa (NY Kenshinkai)
3. K. Umemura (NY Kenshinkai)

1-dan (初段の部)
1. C. O'Donnell (Doshikai)
2. P. Winters (NY Kenshinkai)
3. A. Yeung (Ken Zen Dojo)
3. N. Blake (Shufukai)

2-dan (2段の部)
1. C. Rodriguez (NYC Kendo Club)
2. I. Kang (Il Kum Kwan)
3. M. Madison (Montreal Kendo Club)
3. J. Yun (NY Kenshinkai)

3-dan (3段の部)
1. T. Akamatsu (Shidogakuin)
2. T. Rasmusson (Shufukai)
3. N. Kim (Il Kum Kwan)
3. A. Cruz (Boston Kendo Kyokai)

4-dan (4段の部)
1. S. Kamata (Etobicoke Kendo Club)
2. K. Yong (NY Kenshinkai)
3. S. Isshiki (NYC Kendo Club)
3. M. Yang (Shidogakuin)

Team (団体の部)
1. Etobicoke Kendo Club
2. NYC Kendo Club A
3. NY Kenshinkai A
3. Shufukai A

AEUSKF Promotion Test ー全東部剣道連盟昇段審査

The promotion test was held in NY at the KenZen dojo on October 24, 2010.
Two members from Shufukai took a test.
Tatsufumi Kasai passed his 3 dan, and Shawn Dubey passed his 1 kyu.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

The 16th Goyokai Kendo Seminar/Camp

The 16th Goyokai Kendo Seminar/Camp was held in NY on June 18,19 and 20.
This year we had Hironori Tahara-sensei, Hanshi 8th dan and Kyoshi Toyotomi-sensei, Kyoshi 7th dan as guest sensei.
Please see the Ogi's keiko diary, which will be up soon, for more detailed information for the camp.


The 11th Goyokai Kendo Tournament

The 11th Goyokai Kendo Tournament will be held on November 6th an 7th. Detailed information is as follows:
Date: November 6th and 7th
Place:Boston Higashi School's Gym
800 North Main St., Randolph, MA 02368
Joint practice: November 6th from 5:45 p.m. Free
Welcome dinner: November 7th from 8 p.m. $20 per person
Tournament: November 7th, 8 a.m. $35 per participant
If you would like to have more information,
please contact Ogimura-sensei at

Promotion test result

We had a promotion test in NY in April and in Boston in July.
From Shufukai, we had the following members received their new rank.

Raymond M. Passed 3-dan

Takahiro K. Passed 3-dan

Andy L. Passed 2-dan

Craig B. Passed 2-dan

Jin-Ji K. passed 1-kyu

Mayumi H. passed 1-kyu

Jim D. passed 3-kyu





Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our Jackets has arrived!/ジャケットが届きました!

The Shufukai Jackets has arrived! Thank you Tim, Phillip, and Ryan for your help and work to make our jackets. All members really liked it. If you didn't order one and would like to have one, please let Ogimura-sensei know. You can buy it with only $65.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

The special practice with Uchimura-sensei/内村先生との特別稽古会

Uchimura-sensei, 2009 All Japan Kendo Champion, visited Shufukai as a part of AUSKF education tour. Uchimura-sensei gave us a seminar. He went over the importance of the basics and how he would practice them. He told us that he always paid attention to his postures and left foot (hikitsuke)while practicing. We practiced suburi while maintaining our posture with wider step by doing hikitsuke . After we put our men on, we practiced basic waza and did kakari-keiko while keeping it in our mind that we kept our postures straight, and same for all waza and do hikitsuke quickly all the time. Although, it was short, but all participants had a chance to practice with Uchimura-sensei. We felt that we were so lucky to have this kind of opportunity. We really appreciated him for coming to our dojo and AUSKF to give us such a great opportunity. After practice, some of us got his autograph and had a great time at the dinner.


MA joint practice/マサチューセッツ州合同稽古会

The first MA state joint practice was held on March 21, 2010. 5 dojos and one college kendo club got together and we had a shiai seminar and joint practice. Approximately 50 participants separated to 3 groups to work on their kendo skills and shiai practice after introduction that was led by Hooper-sensei. Nakashima-sensei, Sekiguchi-sensei and Hooper-sensei provided kyu group with the seminar which includes shiai manners and rules, and proper ways and opportunities to hit. Harrison-sensei and Poitras-sensei guided sho-dan group to learn to hit proper ways and some advanced techniques to hit as well as shiai rules and manners. They also shared their points of view as shinpan to determine which hit they would take as a point. Ogimura-sensei and Yoshida-sensei led 3 dan and above group to work on how to prepare for shiai. They practiced in the way that they can perform their best at shiai. They worked on how to manipulate their opponent's mind and shinai, as well as to choose their strategies during the shiai. We finished the joint practice with 50 minutes ji-keiko and all participants enjoyed our first MA joint practice.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

AEUSKF promotion test 剣道審査会のお知らせ

AEUSKF has a promotion test on April 18th 2010 Sunday at Kenzen Dojo. 
(For kyu to 4 dan)


54 Thomas Street New York, NY 10013

(on Thomas Street between W Broadway and Church Street)

(TEL) 212-406-9104


(ADMIN DESK) Open from 1:00PM

(TEST) Start from 2:00PM

If you are interested in taking a test, please let Ogimura-sensei know a.s.a.p.



Thursday, February 18, 2010

2010 Detroit Kendo Tournament デトロイト錬成剣道大会

This year, four members from Shufukai participated in the event.  On Saturday, February 13, 2010, we had a kendo seminar which was led by the guest sensei from Japan, Funatsu-sensei (8th dan) and Migita-sensei (8th dan).  Funatsu-sensei explained how important the basic is.  We practiced suburi, footwork, kirikaeshi, and men-uchi.  Funatsu sensei expressed the importance of moto-dachi's role to lead a partner and create proper situation to maintain focus and to make a practice meaningful. 
On Sunday, February 14, 2010, we had a tournament.  It was announced that there were 250 people participated in the tournament.  Before lunch time, there was demonstration keiko.  Both Funatsu-sensei and Migita-sensei demonstrated with 7 dan senseis as well as each other.  Also Tagawa-sensei (8th dan, Detroit) demonstrated with Funatsu-sensei.  8th dan senseis demonstrations were very valuable for us to observe.  In regards to the tournament, Shufukai got 3rd place for the team division and Toshihiro Ogimura got 2nd place in the 4 dan and above division.  Good job team Shufukai!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Special Practice!!! 特別稽古!!

We are pleased to announce that we will have a special practice with Uchimura-sensei on March 26th, 2010.  Uchimura-sensei is the champion of All Japan Kendo Tournament (2006 and 2009) and also the one of the member of Japan Team when they won the World Kendo Championship in 2009.  Uchimura-sensei is coming to NY and having practices there on March 24th and 25th.  Then he will come to Boston (our dojo) on March 26th.  This is a part of the All US Kendo Federation Educational Tour and Uchimura-sensei was invited as a guest sensei.  We will start the practice from 7 p.m. and end by 8:30 p.m.  All Shufukai members are strongly suggested to come to this practice as this is once in life experience.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

MA Joint Practice、合同稽古のお知らせ

I'm so honored to announce that we will have the first MA state joint practice on March 21st, 2010.  This year is Boston Kendo Kyokai's 30th anniversary and we were looking for the way to celebrate their memorial year.  We wanted to tighten our friendship and also to improve our kendo community in MA.  We are very lucky to have great people and senseis in MA and work together with them.  We are planning to have shiai seminar, shiai practice and joint ji-keiko.  It will start from 1 p.m.  Everybody practice Kendo in MA are welcome to join.  Also anybody who practice Kendo in other states also welcome to join us.  Please come join us and let's have a nice joint keiko!
