The 2nd MA kendo Rensei Tournament
Following the AEUSKF shinpan seminar, we had the 2nd
MA kendo tournament. So that all
participants from the seminar could generalize and utilize what they learnt
from the seminar in the real situation.
All participants’ did very well in both of the shiai and shinpan (3dan
and above) and everybody seemed to have a great time. In all divisions, we had a round robin first and then the
tournament, so that all participants had at least 7 matches and more in both
individuals and team matches. At
the end of the day, everybody seemed very tired, but somehow satisfied.
The result
Jr. division
1st Takuma Okada, 2nd Teiji Tsuruta, 3rd
Jonathan Batista
Women’s 1-2 dan
1st Katherine Lee, 2nd Jessica Ye, 3rd
Erica Mackenzie
Women’s 3 dan and above
1st Sayaka Masuko, 2nd Junko Ariyama
Men’s Kyu
1st Charles Deng, 2nd Kevin Ng, 3rd
Luis Moreno and Mitko Botev
1 – 2 dan
1st Simon Lee, 2nd Mevlana Gemici, 3rd
Craig Bell and Celso O’donnell
3 dan and above
1st Gin Park, 2nd Maximillien Madison,
3rd Daniel Joo and Tim Rasmusoon
1st Boston Kendo Kyokai, 2nd Sei-Zan
kai, 3rd Shufukai and Garden State Kendo Alliance
Congratulations for all winners and thank you for
participating to all participants and senseis who did a lot of shinpan.
The KendoStyle kindly sponsored this tournament and provided with a gift certification to each division's winner.
Thank you very much KendoStylen for your generously gift!
The KendoStyle kindly sponsored this tournament and provided with a gift certification to each division's winner.
Thank you very much KendoStylen for your generously gift!
By the way, the 1st
MA kendo tournament was held in 1994 or 1995. Since then, Kendo in New England area had been expanded and
improved a lot. Many people were
waiting for this tournament to be held as many more people practice kendo than
before in MA area. Thank you very
much for all senseis who have been leading kendo in MA in each dojo and creating
a very strong friendship between each dojo in this area. This tournament was the result of
each senseis’ and everybody’s, who practice Kendo in MA, effort and
commitment. Therefore, we need to
continue to have this tournament annually or twice a year from now on.
ところで、今大会は第2回と銘打って入るが、実は第一回は1994年か95年に行われた。それ以来大会は行われなかったが、 第1回大会以来、マサチューセッツ州の剣道は剣道人口も増え、剣道のレベルも上がり、盛り上がってきていたため、 誰もが待ち望んでいた大会であった。このエリアの剣道を各道場でリードし、さらに各道場間での友好関係を築いてきてくださった先生方に感謝いたします。この大会はそうした先生方、そしてこのエリアで剣道修行を積むすべての人たちの努力の結果である。従って、今回で終わりではなく、これから毎年恒例、もしくは一年に2回の開催を目指してやっていかなければならない。